90 De Beauvoir Road


Since securing planning permission in February 2023 we have been working with a team of specialists to adapt and restore Herbert Gibb’s old furniture factory.

The 4 story building will be given a new lease of life and host multiple contemporary businesses.

Proposed external visual

Herbert Gibbs trained as a cabinet maker and founded his furniture factory in the 1920’s

They pioneered furniture part of the British government’s second World War utility scheme.

Long section showing new lightwell and staircase


The new timber staircase made from ash will emerge from the previous vacant space in the building, improving circulation and encouraging interactions between tenants.


Cycle Store Assembly - Construction Sequence and Details

Timber sheltered bike shed was designed to encourage the 90 De Beauvoir tenants to keep carbon emissions low on their commute to the studios.



1a St James's Street


Slot House