You have come to the right place if you want to explore new ideas, inspirations, events and collaborations.

Henry Moore Day
For our team away day we travelled up to The Henry Moore Foundation.

Sharing Ideas AJ Retrofit Live
Orlando shares what his take-aways from the first AJ Retrofit Live conference.

Sharing Ideas with The Baylight Fellowship
Alex shares what happened on the day that we joined the Baylight Fellowship for a day with our client Charlie Benyon of Benyon Properties.

Imperial War Museum Exhibition
Next month will see the centenary of the Armistice at the end of WWI. We have designed a major exhibition at the Imperial War Museum London to coincide with the centenary of the declaration of peace..

Oak Building, Growing and Manufacturing Exhibition
Oak: Building, Growing and Manufacturing is being shown at the Adrem Gallery this September as part of London Design Festival.

Roman Dead Exhibition At The Museum of London DOcklands
We are working with the Museum of London Docklands on their forthcoming "Roman Dead" exhibition

A Day for Flowers Exhibition
Alex is one of 10 designers who contributed to Twentytwentyone's A Day for Flowers exhibition, in celebration of Lucienne Day‘s centenary year.